Results of Routine Secretary of State Examination of CHDG

On May 27th, 2016, the Office of the Secretary of State conducted a routine examination of C.H. Douglas & Gray Wealth Management.  The office examined our financial records, office systems, and management controls and procedures.  Further, the examiner selected 10 clients at random for closer inspection, obtaining copies of their contracts, investment policy statements, performance reports, and billings, and advised us that in the coming weeks the examiner would compare all to the records of TD Ameritrade Institutional, the custodian for the accounts being examined, which custodial records the examiner was able to access directly and independently.

We alerted the examiner to the fact that one client household was an offshoot of another client household of longstanding, but required a new signed contract, which we obtained and supplied to the office on June 8th, 2016.   This produced the only finding the examiner issued, along with an instruction to “Please ensure that contracts are maintained for all future and current clients.”

The examination letter is available for inspection upon request.

The thoughts expressed on this web page provide insight into the investment and/or financial planning considerations of members of C.H. Douglas & Gray, LLC, a firm providing fee-only financial advice in asset management to households and institutions in states in which it is registered. Specific investment advice is available only to clients of the firm. Contact C.H. Douglas & Gray for more information.